* FREE Next Day Delivery * No Minimum Order * Nationwide Delivery to Site * Trade & Contractor Prices *


Our history

Our history

Fix247 has been a specialist supplier of fixings and fastenings to the trade since it was founded in 2009

Our purpose

Our purpose

Fix247 is a major link in the supply chain for Plumbing and Heating, Gas, Heat Source and Electrical Contractors working on Social Housing, Maintenance, Refurbishment and New Build sites

Our success

Our success

The impressive growth the business has produced over the last 15 years can be attributed to the wealth of experience and expertise within the Fix247 team

Our deliveries

Our deliveries

Our commitment in offering excellent customer service and FREE next day delivery anywhere on the UK mainland has meant that the stock we require to hold in our warehouse has grown over the years. We have four branded vans for deliveries in the South West and our courier delivery service delivers direct to site or to our customers stores

Our approach

Our approach

Our expertise allows us to identify new product opportunities, requirements and extensions needed to our existing ranges demanded by our loyal customer base. We then work closely with our suppliers and manufacturing partners here in the UK, Europe and Asia to bring these products to market. This process has made us invaluable as a supply partner to the Fix247 customer

Our customer service

Our customer service

We pride ourselves on delivering the highest possible standards of customer service, whilst developing long lasting relationships and a commitment to improving everything we do to benefit the customers we value

Our people

Our people

The family atmosphere instilled within the business means the 30 staff enjoy the support and flexibility which makes Fix247 an enjoyable place to work. This is reflected in the way we manage and deal with our valued customers. Each customer has their own dedicated account manager which helps in building a great working relationship. At Fix247 our customers deal with people, not a business